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5 Symptoms That Your Child Is Struggling With Dyslexia


Dyslexia is a problem is a learning disability that is undiagnosed in children, even though they struggle in school.There are many symptoms that your child is struggling with dyslexia. Some of them depend on the age of your child and how severe they have it. Dyslexia is most noticeable in children. It can affect your child’s ability to read, write, spell, or even speak. Dyslexia is the most common learning disability in children and it can persist into adulthood. The sooner it is recognized and treated, the better the outcome will be for your child. Here are 5 symptoms that your child is struggling with dyslexia.

  1. Reading Problems – You may notice your child can easily read a word on one page but on another page won’t recognize it. Other times you will notice that your child knows phonics but can’t or won’t try to sound out a word they don’t know. They may also switch letters when reading a word. For example the word “from” might be “form”. Or “was” might be “saw”, “now” might be “won”. They might also misspell common words that they see all the time such as they, what, where, does, and because despite practicing them a lot.  
  1. Spelling Problems – Your child might also misspell words when copying them off a board or a book. Your child might also try and avoid writing whenever possible. Some children with dyslexia are also up-down confused. They might confuse letters like b-p or d-q, n-u, and m-w.
  1. Writing Problems – Children with dyslexia also have problems writing. You may notice that your child’s handwriting is either poor or unreadable. They might also have poorly spaced words and take a long time to write out their letters. Your child may also write their letters in an unusual way. This is because they can’t remember the correct order to write the letters. So they start somewhere and keep going until the letter looks right to them.
  1. Math Problems – Children with dyslexia are often time very gifted in math. This is because of their ability to visualize the problems in a 3 dimensional way. It allows them to “see” the math concepts more quickly. Despite this your child may still be having difficulty with math. Your child may know all the steps in long division. But your child often mixes up steps, despite knowing how to do it and then comes up with the wrong answer. Many problems are see in directions, rote memorization, reading and sequencing. They can make the math tasks so difficult that their math gifts are never discovered.
  1. Directionality Problems – Most children with dyslexia have problems with directions. You may notice that your child has problems reading and understanding a map. They have problems with North, South, East, or West. They also have problems with telling the difference between right or left.

Dyslexia can be very different from one child to the next. Children with dyslexia can have a mix or cluster of different signs and symptoms. Dyslexia is commonly diagnosed on a child that actually is suffering from another learning disability because of the similar signs and symptoms between Dyslexia and other learning disabilities.

A great way to test for Dyslexia is through taking the Dyslexia test online to dig deeper into what may be going on with your child. Print the results and bring them to your child’s physician to review. Watch your child and make notes as things come up. Having examples is extremely helpful when it comes to properly diagnosing your child. The sooner you solve the problem, the quicker you can find a solution to help guide your child. Many amazing people have grown to overcome dyslexia through learning to work with the issue. With time and effort, your child can too.